Sunday, April 3, 2011


Just a brief message, it seems that the Crab Nebula is getting brighter and expanding exponentially, and that this activity has nothing to do with the pluton star in the center of it or something. Another thing is that Mr laRouche says that the Speed of Light is changing. Amen


Well I just about had it already. Listening to the talking heads and reading the blogs and articles on most of the internet publications is all very well and interesting but the only people who have a handle on reality are the guys over at Lynden laRouche has a knack of going straight to the jugular and hits the nail on the head everytime. I know that sounds corny but it's the truth, and it hurts. He has the right attitude and he concentrates on the real issue, whatever it may be at the time, and gives it his complete attention, and manages to eliminate all the extraneous stuff that is confusing everyone and gets straight to the point. He has such a sharp understanding of current affairs and such an extensive knowledge of history that he can interpret the situation and come to a conclusion of how it fits in with his previous assumptions and based on the solutions he has come up with before, adds new dimensions of understanding that is truly remarkable, and so revelatory that I believe by now that he is very close to the LORD. As the economic crisis deepens and the world is dealing with the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Rim, the solar flares and the positioning of the solar system in the Galaxy is becoming very important and the way we think of things has to change to accomodate the data that we are getting from the work of the LPAC Basement team and others about the likelihood of the extinction of the human race if we do not get rid of Obama right away. Okay so that is quite a stretch if you haven't been following laRouche over the past few years at least as far back as 2007. However, building on the idea that we need to reinstate the Glass Steagal principle, which is in fact the basis of the economic policy of Alexander Hamilton who drafted the Constitution, and get the US States refinanced and start uttering credit through Congress again, and getting on with the NAWAPA project etc, then the notion that we have to get NASA back on track, especially now that the earthquakes and tsunamis that are becoming more frequent and violent that every before it seems, so that we can get a warning system in place, and provisions made for rebuilding electricity grids and roads and bridges etc, is difficult to grasp. Anyone who is able to read this blog should immediately go to and start reading and watching and listening to everything posted on that site, even it means staying up all night and spending weeks to catch up on what is really at stake. That is my message to you all tonight and you don't need to hesitate. Just do it!

Monday, January 3, 2011


The Lord is very clear in Isaiah 43 Verse 19 that he will be doing something new, and because God's idea of something new and our idea of something new is mostly light years apart. it is worth considering this prophecy very closely right about now since the economic situation is
completely hopeless, and it is very clear that unless God's Word can be applied to the state of affairs that is crumbling before our eyes, that Congress and Obama and the entire
Capital Hill mob are blissfully unaware of what a mess has been made by capitulating to Wall Street and the Federal Reserve in conjuction with the Inter Alpha Group, in the name
of RECOVERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I beg to disagree and differ with this absurd notion.
Lynden la Rouche and LPAC have produced a series of filmed interviews and informative web cast films regarding the NAWAPA project. Go on ahead and check this out on before it is too late for you to get behind this wonderful idea and make a difference, start spreading the word and save mankind and the planet before we plunge into a New Dark Age.