Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Hello everybody. How you'all doin? Merry Christmas Baby and Goodbye and Amen etc.
It's just so bonkers right about now it makes sense that Tonex changed his name to B.Slade already. Perfect sense, not like the DADT repeal and the Tax Extension Bill and Obama still living in the WH. Why hasn't someone in the Cabinet told him about the 25th Amendment Section 4, and helped him pack his bags and gotten him a one way ticket and his family one way tickets anywhere just so long as it's far enough away for us never to have to see him ever ever again. Praise the LORD. Halleluyah LORD Jesus, you are beautiful for situations and I love you so. It's been raining for days now on and off, and it's getting monotonous and I keep getting soaked every time I go outside and yet it's impossible to stay indoors all day long, I need to breathe fresh air and be in a natural environment if you call this natural that is. Naturally bonkers and so out of control broken down that it seems that decay has set in and the whole place is well on it's way to the half life, that is the size that things reduce down to when they start decaying, you know, the half life.
Well, the Brits are messing around with North Korea now, and they've got Susan Rice on board and if it wasn't for prayer and Governor Richardson we would be in another place, like hiding in a deep hole somewhere and everything radiation ish. It's getting kinda nutty and worse than awful so I say, Devil, you are a liar. You are a defeated foe, and you and your demonic forces, your hairs and your influences and foul spirits are most definitely on the LORD's hit list.
So, that's that, you guys are on the losing side you are losers and you are all doomed and there is nothing you can do that will alter your fate.
Nevertheless, we cannot stop fighting the good fight, we cannot stop pressing towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus and we must walk by faith and not by sight. We are more than conquerors and we are marching and tearing down the works of the enemy's hand. We've got the victory by the Blood of the Lamb.
Yes we do, we have the Victory.
Victory is mine, victory is mine, victory today is mine.
I told Satan, get thee behind me,
Victory today is mine.
Praise the LORD everybody.
Lift up your Holy Name it is high and lifted up.
The Great I Am.
Holy Holy Holy.
Thank you Jesus I will always owe everything to you, I have been purchased by your blood.
Thank you Lord.

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